Rand Water is currently seeking the services of a number of 5 Protective Service Officers. Successful candidates will be operating on a shift work system and allocated to work in Vereeniging.
As a PSO(Protective Service Officer), you will give feedback and reports to the PSS(Protective Service Supervisor), carry out protective services on one of South Africa’s Key points (which is Rand Water Property) and perform traffic control measures(this is on both vehicles and people coming in and out).
You should apply before the 29th of May 2022. Interested Candidates are requested to apply using a completed National Senior Certificate/Grade 12 or any equivalent qualification, should be registered with PSIRA and NKP and Fire arm Certificate.
Rand Water also outline your fundamental roles for this position as being able to manage traffic and people, monitor, take charge during crime prevention and/investigations. Other roles include knowing what to do during a variety of emergencies.
Should you be struggling to apply, kindly send us a comment and we will help you where we can, however, please be advised that we do not accept any cash or information in regards to any posts here. There are posts from other companies that we share because we believe people are struggling to go through a majority of the sites.
All the best with your applications 🤍