Annual SALARY: R 211 713.
CENTRE: Secunda Labor Center: Mpumalanga- HR 4/4/7/80 (X 2 places)
CENTRE: Mbombela Labor Center: Mpumalanga – HR 4/4/7/81 (X 1 digit)
REQUIREMENTS: Class 12 Certificate. No experience. Knowledge: Settlement Fund policies, procedures and processes, relevant stakeholders, human anatomy/biology and medical terminology, customer service (Principles of Batho Pele), fund values, COID tariffs, public service charter, approved COID delegation, law promoting access for information, Road Accident Fund (RAF) Act, PFMA and Treasury Regulations. Skills: Required technical knowledge, numeracy, business writing skills, required IT skills, communication (written and verbal), data entry, data and records management, telephone skills and etiquette.
TASKS: Processing of documentation for damage registration. Preparation for the decision (claims processing). Prepare to process medical claims. take on administrative tasks.
INQUIRIES: Ms. R. Masilo Tel: 017 631 2582/2652
APPLICATIONS: Deputy Director Labor Center Operations: Private Bag X9057, Secunda, 2302 or personal delivery at 4 Waterson Street, Sunset Park Secunda,
INQUIRIES: Ms. L. Shawe Tel: 013 753 2844/5/6
APPLICATIONS: Deputy Head of Labor Center: Private Bag X11298, Mbombela, 1200 or Personal Delivery at 29 Brown Street, Mbombela, 1200
INCLUDED DATE: June 20, 2022 at 4:00 p.m
NOTE: Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form, which is available from any government agency or online at, and must include the appropriate reference number. Incoming applications with the wrong job application (old Z83) will not be considered. Each application form must be completed in full, duly signed and initialed by the applicant. If this form is not completely filled out, initialed and signed, the application can be excluded during the selection process. A fully completed, initialed and signed new Form Z83 (sections A, B, C and D mandatory and (ignore sections E, F and G if CV attached) and recently updated comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience) is required. Only in Shortlisted candidates must submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the interview date, per Human Resources notice, and such qualification(s) and other related documents must meet the requirements of the ad Non-RSA Citizens/ Permanent residents/permit holders must include a copy of their permanent residency permit with their applications Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an assessment report issued by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) the above requirements plus late applications w will not be considered. The department does not accept applications by e-mail or fax. If all the requested documents are submitted, the application will not be considered. If you have not been contacted within eight (8) weeks of the ad closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Appropriate candidates will be subjected to a personnel aptitude test (criminal record, citizenship, credit check, qualification test and employment test). The Department reserves the right not to award an appointment(s) to the above position. The course is available from the NSG under the name ‘Certificate for Entry in SMS’ and full details can be found at the following link: . All shortlisted SMS job candidates will undergo a technical competency exercise aimed at testing relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the department. After the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel recommends candidates to participate in general management skills using the prescribed DPSA-SMS skills assessment tools. The successful candidate will be expected to sign an internship performance agreement. The department is an equal opportunity employer. The Department’s Employment Equity Plan provides information on the hiring decision. It is the intention of the Department to promote equality (race, gender and disability) in filling this position(s).