REF NO: 220822/07
Management: Central Operations
SALARY : R176 310 for every annum (Level 05)
Center : Usutu River-(Geelhoutboom)
Prerequisites : A Senior/Grade 12 endorsement. One (1) to three (3) years’ insight. Endorsement in Water Plant Treatment. Disciplinary information in Occupational Health and Safety. Information in controlling and dealing with the water conveyance for the Government Waterworks inside the area Office purview. Fundamental arrangement execution. Observing and assessment standards. Fundamental information in overseeing HR.
Obligations : Operations of Computer siphon Management System. Revealing of deficiencies in the workplace. Refinement of water. Tasks of Water siphons. Guarantee the assurance of water plant establishment. Competitor will be expected to work in shift work.
INQUIRIES : Mr Cholo MD Tel No: (017) 846 6108
APPLICATIONS : Central Operations Usutu River-(Geelhoutboom): Please forward your application citing the pertinent reference number to: The Area Manager, Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X 1004, Usutu River, Amsterdam, 2375 or hand convey to Jericho Dam, Admin Building, Amsterdam, Human Resource office.
REF NO: 220822/08
Management: Central Operations
SALARY : R176 310 for each annum (Level 05) Center Central Operations (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : A Senior/Grade 12 declaration. 0 to 1 year suitable involvement with Human Resources Management will act as an additional benefit, especially on leave the board, Pillir, and annuity organization. Information on the PERSAL framework, and PC proficiency (Microsoft Package). Great Communication abilities (composed and verbal). Capacity to work under tension. Information on HR prescripts and eagerness to travel. Should be a cooperative person. A substantial driver’s permit will act as an additional benefit.
Obligations : Implement human asset organization rehearses: Conditions of Service (leave, IOD, PILIR, and so forth), Address human asset organization requests: Keep documenting records exceptional, liaise with inward partners in regards to leave, IOD, and so on, Provide HR library administrations: Keep recording arrangement of HR work force and S-documenting framework refreshed for example open/shutting of records, and so on.
INQUIRIES : Schwartz I Tel No: (012) 741 7359
APPLICATIONS : Central Operations (Pretoria): Please forward your applications citing the significant reference number to the Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X 273, Pretoria, 0001, or Hand Deliver at Praetor Forum Building, first Floor Reception, 267 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Pretoria, 0001. FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource
REF NO: 220822/09
Management Central Operations
SALARY : R176 310 for each annum (Level 05)
Center : Gariep Dam
REQUIREMENTS : A Senior/Grade 12 declaration. Experience in Human Resources will act as an additional benefit. Information on PERSAL framework. Information and comprehension of Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Employment Equity Act and PFMA. Information and experience of administration conditions, administration advantages, enlistment and choice and arrangement strategies. Information on authoritative, administrative techniques and frameworks. Information on data set and spread sheet applications. Client direction and client center abilities. Great verbal and composed relational abilities. Great preparation and arranging abilities. Be PC educated and have sound information on Microsoft Office, for example MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, MS PowerPoint and Internet Explorer. Arranging and putting together.
Obligations : Recruitment and determination (arranging ads, catching of utilizations, confirmation of capabilities, security screening, reference checks, secretariat capabilities at shortlisting’s, interviews, human asset advancement gatherings, and so on). Execute states of administrations (arrangements, advancements, moves, interpretations, leave, lodging, clinical guide, injury on the job, long assistance acknowledgment, extra time, migration, benefits, stipends, PILIR, probation, and so on). Perform organization of Performance Management Development System. Guarantee the confirmation and quality checking of PMDS records. Liaise with inward and outside partners comparable to enlistment and determination and administration benefits. Execute end of administrations. Load annuities on PCM. Carry out arrangements, moves, and advancements on PERSAL. Manage all HRM related questions everyday, as per Batho Pele Principles.
INQUIRIES : Mr SM Segalo Tel No: 051 754 0001
APPLICATIONS : Central Operations (Gariep Dam): Please forward your application citing the significant reference number to: Scheme Manager Central Operations Branch, Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X 09, Gariep Dam, 9922.
FOR ATTENTION : Mrs Nsm Maloka
END DATE NOTE : 22 August 2022
NOTE : Interested candidates should present their applications for work to the location determined on each post. Applications should be submitted utilizing the recently carried out Z83 structure realistic on the Department of Water and Sanitations site, under vocation potential open doors or the DPSA site, under opportunities in the Public Service (point 4) and ought to be joined by a far reaching CV. All expected data on the Z83 application structure should be given. Other related documentation, for example, duplicates of capabilities, character report, drivers permit and so on need not to go with the application while applying for a post as such documentation should just be delivered by shortlisted up-and-comers during the meeting date. Concerning candidates bearing proficient or word related enlistment, fields gave in Part B of the Z83 should be finished as these fields are viewed as obligatory and such subtleties should likewise be remembered for the candidates CV. Inability to finish or unveil all expected data will naturally preclude the candidate. No late, applications will be acknowledged. A SAQA assessment endorsement should go with unfamiliar capability/s. Applications that don’t follow the previously mentioned prerequisites won’t be thought of. All shortlisted up-and-comers relating to Senior Management Services (SMS) presents will be oppressed on a specialized and skill evaluation and a pre-passage testament got from the National School of government is expected before the arrangement. (People who have finished the tasks as of now, and who are in this manner possessing an endorsement are free to submit such, nonetheless, it isn’t needed that a candidate submit such while applying for the post before the end date. The connection for the finish of the course for the declaration for the pre-passage into SMS can be tracked down on class/sms-pre-section program/. Competitors will be expected to finish a monetary divulgence structure and go through an exceptional status. Outsiders or double citizenship holders should give a police freedom endorsement from nation of beginning. The Department of Water Sanitation is an equivalent open door business. In the filling of empty posts, the goals of segment 195 (1) (I) of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 (Act No: 108 of 1996) the Employment Equity objectives as characterized by the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No: 55 of 1998) and applicable Human Resources arrangements of the Department will be thought about. Correspondence will be restricted to short-recorded up-and-comers as it were. In the event that you don’t hear from us inside three (90 days) of this promotion, kindly acknowledge that your application has been fruitless. The division holds the right not to fill these positions. Ladies and people with incapacities are urged to apply and inclination will be given to the EE Targets.